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Subject: Various
From: (Arthur Freeman )
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 94 12:30:31 EST
Dear All,
There have been a few interesting threads of late, I felt that
I had to contribute to at least a couple of them.

1. Someone (cannot remember whose wife is gracious enough to 
suggest a "winter" LBC to allow the Tr to be rebuilt), 
wanted suggestions on a winter LBC.

I really enjoyed my BMC 1800.  Commonly known as a Landcrab,
it was like a really big mini.  Front wheel drive, originally
had the same 1800cc engine as the MGBs, and felt solid (and like
a bus to drive).
The later versions and the Princess had a 6 cylinder (2300 cc??),
and looked wedge shaped.

Given the right opportunity (and some non-allocated funds) I
would have another of these.

2. Ray Gibbons had commented on a clear coat for nitro-cellulose
paints, or rather that he had not heard of one.

I have been away from chemistry for 25 years or so, so I may be 
just a little confused, but check the product DAU75, from PPG.
I believe that this is a Dupont product, which goes over Acrylic,
which seems to me to be the equivalent of what I would have called
cellulose in the UK, and creates a harder, more shiny surface.

I don't remember the name of the UK person who had asked, but if
any clear coat (be it pure clear cellulose, ie no added colour),
then polishing is a definite no-no.  Paint does not stick very
well to polish.  Perhaps you meant a cut with Brasso/rubbing 
down compound?.

3. To the UK person who asks about non-sedan LBCs, the club I
just left, has a whole range of LBC sedans (from Morris Minors,
Sunbeam Talbots, Hillmans Minx and Husky, through the Counties
type Austins, and a very nice little Singer).
Once again I would really like to have a RM series Riley 
(preferably the older 2.5 Litre engine) to add to my MGBs.
Also the odd Mini would be great for playing.  Being just over
6 feet tall, and about 230 pounds weight, a mini is a bit harder
to do anything with than the MGB.

4. My MGBs have yet to let me down through an electrical failure -
(ie one not caused by bad maintenance).  The SU pumps have been
OK for the last two years, with the only fuel related problem a 
rotten rubber pipe between the tank and the pump.

5. Someone also posted about NISONGERS (who I assume rebuild
guages etc).
This being the case, would it be possible to get their postal
address.  I also have an interest in LBBs (little british bikes),
and need a contact for ald Smiths PA type speedometers.

Thanks for any help, and in case I do not post again for a while,
PS the temperatures here have been around the mid 30s for the
last wekk or so, that is of course mid 30s Centigrade.
Gets a bit warm for LBC/LBBs!.


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