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Re: TR6 cam saga continues

Subject: Re: TR6 cam saga continues
From: (Scott W. Paisley 303-497-7691)
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 94 12:31:27 MST
DUhhhh... I guess I won't write so many late night letters.  :-)
This is about me doing a compression test with the exhaust valves

Larry wrote:
 > Intake stroke - Intake valve opens, piston sucks in air/fuel mixture. Intake
 >     valve is open.
 > Compression stroke - Air/fuel mixture is compressed. Both valves closed.
 > Power stoke - None here, no spark. Mixture expands back out. Both
 > valves closed.
 > Exhaust stroke - Since your exhaust pushrods are gone, this is yet
 >     another compression stroke. Exhaust valve should be open, but isn't, so
 >     both valves are closed.
 > Intake stroke - Intake valve opens near TDC so piston can suck in more
 >     fuel/air, right? But remember, the exaust stroke was actually a
 >     compression stroke, because the exhaust valves never open. So as
 >     soon as the intake valve opens - *POP* through the intake, since
 >     the fuel/air mixture is still highly compressed.
 > Am I missing something???

Nope.  This sounds very likey.  I just left part of the equation out
of my head.  Oh well.  It was fun anyway.  :-)  I need to theorize just
a bit more before perfoming the experment.  Doh!

 > >to set the intake valves opening later.  e.g. retard the cam.  If
 > >anything, I'm getting an education!

Yup, and the tuition is getting higher all the time... :-)  However,
if I do decide to move the cam timing, I think I'll retart the cam.
That should make it idle better.  (I think)



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