Well Ray, you could get the plates my 61 bugeye has: BUH GUY.
Oregon only allow 6 characters, and the plate has this rather larger tree
right in the middle which makes 6 letter words hard to read. The extra money
for the plate is pretty easy to justify after living in California; in OR, all
cars, regardless of make, model or year are $42.50 for two years
registration. California has rediculously high rates. Also in Oregon, I
think you only have to pay for the vanity plate at the onset, but I haven't
renewed it yet, so I don't know.
For me, I think that the plates if used at should should reflect something
about the vehicle they are on, and not some quirk about the owner. I once
saw a toyota with the plate: ANDY 6 I wondered what sort of individualy
would be so enamoured with their own name that they had to put it one their
car, even after 5 other "Andy's" had already done the same thing. (I verified
that this was the case too)
Vintage plates would be cool too; does Vermont allow one to reregister 35
year old plates on 35 year old cars? In Oregon, I've seen various old plates
for sale for $50 to $100, I think that would be worth the expense as well.
Miq Millman mmillman@ptdcs2.intel.com 503 642 6139 (Aloha site)
AL4-55 Intel, 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497
See also miq@teleport.com