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Re: Battery hold downs

Subject: Re: Battery hold downs
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 10:59:43 -0500
Curtis Phillips sez:

>I just replaced the two 6V batteries in my '74 MGB with a single 12V. 
>there isn't enough room one the sides of the battery to fit the tie-downs 
>should I bodge some other system to secure the battery? 

Curtis, by all means possible tie this battery down.  If you should be so
unfortunate to have a serious crash, as I did recently, You will have battery
juice all over the car and possible on you as well.  This is not cool at all.
 In my case the batteries were held down with J hooks through the ears (MGA
batteries  behind the seats of a TA).  One of the ears broke off and the case
of one battery was punctured by the axle up stop strap but the acid didn't
scatter.  I'm inclined now to fab something to keep the filler tops from
popping  off too.

TA (snake bit) Terry

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