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re: Weird Octane?

Subject: re: Weird Octane?
From: Richard Smith <>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 1994 07:27:52 +0000
>u>Soooo...... does this mean that Amoco 93 has a higher octane rating
>u>than Sunoco 94 ?
>u>I am confused !!!!!!!!
>The methods for determining the octane rating are standardized so a
>given octane is the same in any brand.  Gasoline is blended from a
>variety of feedstocks and the octane rating is tightly controlled since
>a shift of one octane point equates to a lot of dollars of profit.
>However, occasionally a batch will be shipped that is over spec for one
>reason or another.

Don't know about the US, but here (UK) you can often see delivery tankers
from one petroleum company filling up at another companies tank in the
depot - we have fairly strict laws on the siting of gasoline stores (small
island, large population, etc, etc) so in one depot all the major players
in the gasoline market will have their own storage tank at one depot, but
it seems that they have deals which allow them to use each others stocks.

Richard Smith
RG Smith Automobile Engineering
Alvis & Triumph Specialist

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