Thanks for these exciting hints. I found some points pretty interesting!
Since I am not quite a midget but drive one (is Curt listening too?)
I like to hear something about the point where
(John Fowler 1979,1993) says that:
"On models Mk III onwards, the steering column can be shortened
by about 2.5" when used with a suitable steering wheel."
Now that is a lot. Is this meant to be for the MG Midget MkIII or some
other MkIII Spridget? Do you know anybody who has done this? Not that
this would be my first choice to increase the room to the steering wheel.
It is easier to just open the window and hang the elbow out.
The other point where one can incline the seat seems by far more undoable.
I just bought a nice used Italian (Personal) wooden steering wheel with hub
for well under $100 and if somebody is interested as well in one just
drop me a line. There are more.