>>*** I could add that one can ``fix it once and fix it right'', and not
>>have any more electrical problems. I know its possible, I did it. Here's
>>how I achieved electrical Nirvana with my `58 MGA:
>> ...
>> * The MGA ignition coil is bolted to the top of the generator; probably
>> the worst place one could dream up for a coil. So far, I've lost
>> 3 coils in that car. I believe they moved the coil to the firewall
>> on the MGB; woudn't be such a bad idea for the `A, either.
They started putting the coil on the fire wall around 1960 when the 1600 came
out. The coil started out this way on the MKI Sprite, but moved when the MK II
came out.
I wish I had something to add with regards to MGA's. All I know is that I'll
starting with my electrical system from scratch... my car is a bare frame at
this point...
1957 MGA Roadster (in boxes)
1974 Midget