Fellow fiends:
I think I spied an MG TC in one of what I believe are a series of medium-low
budget late '40s "who dunnit" flicks, going by the general name of "The
Fatman." That is; "The Fatman in Singapore" or "The Fatman Plays Baseball."
I was masticating my daily intake of mass consumable cereal byproduct
suspended in bovine nurturant this morning, sitting dull-faced in front of
the orthocon tube watching one of these "films." The fat man (our hero)
steps out of a swank mid-town hotel and tries to squeeze into this cute
little period sports car. Bingo, I says to meself, that cute little period
sports car is a TC! This vignette, this chance encounter, only enhanced the
ardor in my breast for this car! The joke, supposedly, is that the fat man,
being fat, has some trouble doing the squeezing. Well, to make a long story
short, he makes it, starts the car and drives off, with numerous pedestrians
smiling at the simple pleasures in life. Anyone out there an expert in these
fine films?
Will "Can I go now?" Zehring