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'75 TR6 Wiper switch and other musings

Subject: '75 TR6 Wiper switch and other musings
From: (Mike Ladwig)
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 1994 22:52:52 -0500
Yesterday was not a good car day for my little blue TR6.  On the way to
work, in a driving rainstorm, I smelled plastic melting followed shortly by
stopped windshield wipers.  No problem - rain-x!  On the drive home, I felt
a funny vibration from the rear suspension.  When I got home, I found a hot
u-joint.  Oh, and while I was burning my hand at the back of the car, I
noticed coolant dripping on the floor at the front of the car - leaking
water pump.

Oh, well - pump, u-joints, switch - those are cheap parts, better than an
alternator or something worse.  I call TRF to order all these goodies, and
learn that the wiper switch (turn, as opposed to rocker) is no longer

Does anyone know of a source for these switches, a good used supplier, or
how the switch is wired internally?  I imagine that I could use one of the
earlier rocker switches, but then I'd have to cut the existing dashboard
hole to the size and shape of the headlight switch.

Any ideas?


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