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Add Fizz to Stripping

Subject: Add Fizz to Stripping
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 1994 14:44 -0800 (PST)
Sounds like a follow up to "Jennifer in the buff", but I
found some interesting info on paint stripping that I thought
I would pass on. This came from an article in the Oct.8 issue
of New Scientist and deals with the USAF's endeavours to
strip paint off planes with a minimum of fuss. They have the same
problems that auto restorers have of trying to remove paint easily,
inexpensively, without damaging whats underneath and in an
environmentally friendly way. The USAF has tried plastic media
blasting (no good on thin skinned aircraft) and dichloromethane
(environmentally very unfriendly) for chemical stripping.
Now someone has discovered that simple bicarbonate of soda
sprayed through a pressure jet washer takes the paint off in
very little time (1 square meter in 3 minutes). The bicarb. is
injected into the water and acts as a mild abrasive to loosen the
paint, so the article says.
Sounds like a fun thing to try. Anyone got a pressure washer
and an old door panel to experiment on? I've just repainted
my Jag so I am not about to try it. Just painted the house too
so I can't touch that either.
The process is called BOSS (Bicarbonate Of Soda Stripping).
Hmm, lets see how this thread develops -
Jennifer in the Buff Fizzes with Boss?

Cheers, Patrick.

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