On Mon, 31 Oct 1994 LESNYD@ccmail.monsanto.com wrote:
> I realized I had been working on PDP-10s and PDP-11s too long when I anxiously
> waited for my odometer to turn over to all zeros when it read 77777.77.
My first word processor was distributed free with my PDP-11.
To print a specific page, you had to enter the octal number of the desired
page. Word IMperfect?
> Now I'm state-of-the-art, and I'm always confused when my 9s don't turn to As.
My first, mercifully brief, computer exposure was to a LINC, the
predecessor to the PDP series. When I see the row of toggle switches on
an old Jag, I expect the arrangement to mean something, perhaps JMP
Ray "Lucas computers have only zeros, no ones" Gibbons