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British Mtr Industry Heritage Tr

Subject: British Mtr Industry Heritage Tr
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 1994 11:09:11 -0500
As a recent owner of my first LBC I am interested in getting as much 
historical background on my car as possible.  I was speaking to a fellow
yesterday at an auto flea market in Amherst, NH.  and he mentioned an
organization which he named as the 'British Heritage Trust'.  I believe the
correct name may be the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust.  In any event,
he told me they can provide much information on specific cars such as date of
manufacture, original colors, equipment, options, etc  

My questions are: is this information basically correct and if it is, does
anyone know how to contact them - address, phone number, etc.  I guess there
is a charge for this service but how much?

The car in question is an early MG TD and I would love to research it's
history.  The prior owner could not even remember the name of the person he
purchased it from so I don't have much to work with in terms of ownership but
I would at least like to know what it looked like when it came off the
assembly line.

Thanks in advance.

Bruce Madio

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