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Why Land-Rovers are the best British cars ever made

To: british-cars@AUTOX.TEAM.NET
Subject: Why Land-Rovers are the best British cars ever made
From: Brian Willoughby <BAWILL01@UKCC.UKY.EDU>
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 94 13:56:16 EST
I have read with a great deal of interest all of the currently trendy
Land-Rover bashing that has been littering these paperless pages of writ.  I
have noted that the one thing that so many LBC owners pride themselves on is
the manner in which their cars leak oil.  I have even heard of MG owners
arguing over whose car leaks the most.  Somebody (perhaps here) once said that,
like a dog, this is the way in which British cars mark their territory.  Well,
most LBC's only leak oil from three sites:  the crankcase, the gearbox and the
rear differential.  That is fine.  Though most Land-Rovers leak from not only
these three areas, though also from their transfer cases, their front
differentials and both swivel pin housings.  And that is why they are the best
British cars ever made.  LBC's leave their mark like a toy poodle, though

Land-Rovers leave theirs like a bull elephant.  Yes, this is one-up-manship at
its most elemental.  Remember, all British cars leak oil, though Land-Rovers
leak their oil with distinction.  Why do you think the Queen owns a fleet of
Brian Willoughby, owner of a 1960 Land-Rover Series II Station Wagon (88").
As friend once warned me, "Never take up bank-robbing in that thing.  You may
get away, though the trail it leaves behind will lead right to you."  Hope that
all of this is taken in the tongue-in-cheek manner in which it was intended.

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