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Land-Rovers (still)

To: (Daryl Webb)
Subject: Land-Rovers (still)
From: (Granville Pool)
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 1994 16:18:25 -0700
Daryl Webb writes:

>Like Granville its >Lurk-mode off for me to defend the honour of our beloved
>Land-rover no less.  Looks like TerriAnn needs all the help she can get!
>Whilst I will admit that a Land-Rover at speed is a trifle noisy, the ride is
>much better than other vehicles of a similar nature.  Go for a ride in an
>Un-modified Land-Cruiser of Nissan Patrol with leaf springs.  On the
>bitumen/tar the two are about the same but on rough dirt roads the Land-rover
>is streaks ahead.  On rough tracks point to point times in old Land-rovers
>are as good or better than many of the more modern vehicles. 
>I will also conceed that the "rover-type" rear axle of the pre-series III's
>is fragile.  but so is the early 4sp Land-cruiser transfer case.   I'd rather
>blow an axle that I can fix than a transfer case that I cant.  ( of course
>I'd rather not blow anything... That why I've got a stage I (series III V8)
>As for lang distance travelling, well the stage I has done over 200,000 K in
>the last 6 years, 1000 + km (600+ mile) Days are not uncommon (mind you they
>are not common either).  If you want to tour long distances in and old Landy
>get an Overdrive, they help more with the noise that anything else.
>Granvile.  I've seen 3.5 rover V8's  (215 buick's)  in series Landys'
>They are a bit hard on the G/box-transfer-case if not used carefully.   I
>think Mark's 4x4  (OZ)  makes an adapter.  (The address has been posted on
>, but I could find it if you have lots of time :-) 
>A Champ ??  You are a sick puppy arent you.....  :-)

Yes... I... am...

>Go on TerriAnn throw Ray to the Crazy Canucks on LRO.  Though for his sake
>perhaps you'd better conceal his identity!

She did, she did.  Heh, heh... 8~{>

I love Land-Rovers (a lot) but the old four-cylinder, leaf-sprung ones are 
not my choice for driving long distances, probably partly because She Who 
Must Be Obeyed would refuse to come... Hmmm, maybe they ARE a good choice... ;*>
[ Granville Pool (Redwood Valley, CA) Appraiser, R/W Agent, LR aficionado ]
[ e-mail: ** Ph:(707)485-7220 H,(707)463-4265 W ]

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