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new floor for an old MGB

Subject: new floor for an old MGB
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 94 16:14 EDT
Howdy, I friend of mine is getting ready to replace the floor of his MGB
(again).  This beast is a daily driver, has been shipped across the Atlantic
at least 4 times and is...well..tired.  I'm told that when the floors were
last redone 10 years ago, he had to cut away quite a bit of sheet metal to
get back to something he could weld on.  This time it's worse.  Much worse.
In any case, my friend is concerned that once he cuts out the floor the car
will become impossibly flexible and will fall out of shape.  In order to
avoid this he is trying to design an appropriate jig that will hold the
body/suspension in postion while the work is being done.  We assume that
we'll need to pick up some suspension point on each of the corners and that
the doors will need to be replaced with some sort of brace to stabilize the
door openings (I suppose we could just leave the doors closed but that will
make access tough) but at the moment the details are a little fuzzy.

So here's my question.  Has anyone out there been here before?  Do you have
any insights into the design of the jig (like where to attach it to the car)?
Are we missing something obvious (ie: is there any easier way)?  Anyone wanna
a slightly used MGB jig when we're done?  Inquiring minds want to know.

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