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Re: 3-Wheeler (Reliant/Morgan)

Subject: Re: 3-Wheeler (Reliant/Morgan)
From: (Graham Glen)
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 1994 02:30:50 GMT
Chris Pallasch wrote:
> > Date: Tue, 25 Oct 94 15:01:30 GMT
> > From: (Paul Garside)
> > Subject: Reliant Robins
> > Forget Morgan 3-wheeler - these have one wheel at the front and four seats,
> > so the front bounces along the road in a comical way and they are not very
> > stable in corners. Street cred is about minus ten.
> The Morgan 3-Wheeler with 1 wheel in the front ? I thought (remembering
> a couple of threewheelers at the Oldtimer GP) the Morgan had 2 in front
> and one as rear; motor in front and only part below bonnet, most openair.

He meant that unlike the Morgans, which have two wheels at the front and
one at the back, the Reliant 3 wheelers have one wheel at the front and
two at the back. Hence the instabilty on corners.

Most (if not all) 3 wheel Morgans have the engine in fron of the bonnet &
radiator. They all have V twin engines, mostly JAP.

I do hope this doesn't sound snotty, but it's 2:30 am and I've been
decorating since I got in from work and I'm going to bed now. G'nite all.


Goodnight Johnboy

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