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Generator -> Alternator

To: "Paul Rodenhuis" <>
Subject: Generator -> Alternator
From: "Dave Lapham" <>
Date: 27 Oct 1994 10:15:00 U
                      Generator -> Alternator
  I had to do this on a big Healey last Fall, while on a road trip out of
state!  By far, the mechanical considerations were overwhelmingly more
difficult than the electrical, compounded by the fact that I was about 500
miles from home.  
  Electrically, you just hook the large wire from the generator to the large
lug on the back of the Alternator (you are wise to choose the so-called
"single wire" alternator -- with built-in regulator).  There are two other
small wire (on a Delco alternator, anyway) which, I believe, are hooked to
12V and ignition.  I'll try to remember to look at mine tonight and see
exactly how it's hooked up.  I don't have a wiring diagram with me here at
  The tricky part is that the ignition source must be independent of the 12V
source, otherwise when you switch off the ignition, the motor (or is it an
engine, who cares?) will continue to run.  On my Healey, there is no
independent source so I later put a diode in to prevent the alternator from
supplying it's own 12V (self-excitement -- sounds kinky, that's just one of
the reasons I like these cars).
  Anyway, I'll look over the wiring diagrams tonight and (hopefully) come
back with more details.  See following msg for why it might take just a few
days, though.  

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