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Re: Congrats, Being Free, Restorations

Subject: Re: Congrats, Being Free, Restorations
From: (Douglas Mitchell)
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 94 12:19:07 EDT
First, let me add my congratulations to Greg and his wife on their
familial addition. Also, congratulations to George and his recent
marriage to Beverly. My wife and I just celebrated our 22nd anniversary.

To Kevin Strait: From what I hear, you are never done with the dreaded
"Shipwrights Disease", it just goes into remission.

As far as Teri's article about why do a restoration, I have some firm
albeit sad evidence. Many moons ago, back when I was just a lad, the
father of a friend of mine spent a year in France. Said friend, on his
return to the U.S. stopped off in England and acquired a TC. After
starting on the restoration, another friend decided that he wanted to
restore a car as well. He located a TD in good condition for $1100.
After tearing down the TD, he realized that he needed a car to run after
parts with, and to drive back and forth to university in. So he acquired
a TR4. Another year goes by, the TC is fully restored, and trailered
to Texas where the owner is in university, but the TD, is still in
baskets. The TR4 is not as good a school car as was originally thought
so the owner acquires a brand new Beetle. The TR4 and the TD are left
at the parents house, and they quite quickly tire of not being able
to use their garage and basement. They put both cars up for sale for
$450 as a package. As a poor college student, I couldn't scrape together
enough money to buy one let alone both. :(

It cannot be said enough, you do not restore your own car to make money,
but if you can get paid to restore someone elses car... take the money.

Doug Mitchell - the grape will be restored one day, the grape will be rest...
1973 Magenta Triumph Spitfire 1500

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