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XKE sills

To: British Cars Net <british-cars@AUTOX.TEAM.NET>
Subject: XKE sills
From: LLoyd <3030P%NAVPGS.BITNET@cmsa.Berkeley.EDU>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 94 14:07:23 PDT
...I'm sorry if you get this twice, I'm cross posting it...

  On a series II XKE (series I and also III, I think) the inner and outer
sills are the structural support for the car. I need to replace both on the
left side of the car, along with the floor.
  Can I weld the inner and outer sills (with sill stiffners) together, THEN
weld them to the car? Seems to me it would work, and would be easier. But
I've never tried it.....
  Anyone done this sort of thing??
  Also, to replace the support brace that runs across under the front of the
seats, do the floor panels have to both be removed to install it? I'm aware
of the problem of keeping the two halves of the car alligned, so at this
point I'm looking at different options.
  LLoyd -the project car is a PROJECT car-

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