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Re: Jim Bob's Winter Storage Tips

Subject: Re: Jim Bob's Winter Storage Tips
From: harrold@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU (Dick Harrold)
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 13:51:16 -0500
>Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 08:47:55 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Roland Dudley <>
>What about between the tank and the carb?  Do you drain this off too?

Roland - Yep!  Cleaned everything out including the carb float bowl. 
Removed the filter too.  Used a piece of plastic hose, available at
hardware stores in about any size needed, to blow through the lines.  

Hope this helps.


========= 30 =========

Dick Harrold
Integrated Technologies
Indiana University at Indianapolis (IUPUI)

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