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in the buff

Subject: in the buff
From: (Jennifer Joy)
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 94 12:33:47 CDT

I love buffing, but right now I just have a cheezy setup which 
includes an ancient drill and some drill-mounted buffing dealies.

Grinders are really cheap and seem to be sold everywhere.

Buffers, on the other hand, seem to be rather expensive and sold
at specialty places at specialty store places.  I'm thinking of
the bench-mount type.

Buffers looks like grinders, but have some slight differences in
what you want in life as far as rpm as things like that.  I still
don't know what the big deal is and why the price difference
is so great. 
Is there an inexpensive mail-order source for buffers and supplies that
someone knows of, and what should one look for in a buffer anyway?

You see, when you run out of money you can spend time cleaning up
what you have, and I seem to really get into buffing. :-)   Having
to let the drill cool down every ten minutes is not a real thrill
though.   I could get a new drill, but I don't think that is the


Ob. brit. car:  I went to the Jaguar Club of Austin show (in Austin :)
two weekends ago -- and WOW!   A big rig brought two "100 point" cars
from Kansas, one an XK-120 (red) and the other an e-type (black).  There
were a lot of drivers, but of the xk-120s there (4 or 5) only one was
a driver.  Three Mark IIs, one S.  There was on car like my e-type but
the onwer was not to be found (that I could tell) and I so wanted to
take some pictures of the engine to help with PO-disease.  Oh well,
that was the only disappointment.  A beautiful, but bright orange bugeye
was also present.  One ugly dog of a Healey was parked outside.  It
had a lot of "character".  Sort of black, but I'm not sure it was paint,
and the panels just didn't look like they were all fitting quite right.
Hard to explain, but good to see it there.  Anyway, it was a free show,
and I liked it a lot.  I haven't been to many such events.

       Jennifer Joy  sys/net admin   Motorola/RISC HW  Austin,TX 512.891.8561 fax:512.891.3190 pgr:933-7333 #898561

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