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Leaf Springs

Subject: Leaf Springs
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 94 17:21:01 PDT
Forgive me if this has already been posted, but I didn't see it so....

Someone mentioned that rear leaf springs are designed to take loads of up to 
thousands of pounds therefore a little rust won't affect the ride much.
Certainly the springs carry a tremendous load but they also reach an 
equilibrium.  You can test for this equilibrium by staring at your car for 
several days.  If the ride height doesn't change, your car is at equilibrium. 
(Remember, you heard it here first!)  Now, go get a cinder block, old car 
battery, etc and set it in the trunk.  Quickly stare at the car.  Note change in
ride height.  Note new equilibrium.  Weight cinder block, battery, or whatever. 
Note how small loads to the spring affect the spring displacement.  That's why 
leaf springs should be oiled.  Ride comfort is affected by how the car reacts to
small loads as well as large ones.

-Tim Radsick, feeling guilty because my pile-o'-GT6-parts looks exactly as it 
did 4 months ago.

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