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re: Bugeye Sprite starter quest

Subject: re: Bugeye Sprite starter quest
From: (Stan Fickes)
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 15:00:06 -0800
>A guy I met on Sunday has a bugeye Sprite, which he is restoring. He says he
>tried converting it to negative ground but the starter turns backwards.
>Is this possible?

I think he's yanking your chain...  The ONLY thing you have to do in a
STOCK Bugeye is repolarize the generator.  (unless someone else has another
opinion.  I reserve the right to be wrong on occasion)  Later cars also
require a tach change.

Did he say whether or not it started??  sf

Stan Fickes                             British Cars
Wireless Communication Technologies     1951 MGTD
Advanced Technology Group               1965 Austin-Healey Sprite
Apple Computer, Inc.
408 974-7653

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