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To: <>
Subject: Re: STUFF
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 94 17:02:55 CDT
SendMail TO(BritCars) Subj(Re: STUFF) File(OCT18941.oma)
BlackTiger Mailer - Msg Created 10-18-1994 .. 14:20:33
>Date: Mon, 17 Oct 1994 15:19:49 -0400 (EDT)
>From: "W. Ray Gibbons" <>
>Subject: Re: STUFF

>James Howard told me that an od trans is worth $300.  But I don't know if
>it has OD.  How does one tell?  I tried to see when I looked at the car,
>because I knew OD would be worth something.  I gather the switch is
>part of the wiper stalk. It does move in and out, but it would whether or
>not it has OD, right?  What should I look for under the car?

If you find someone willing to pay that for a used O/D tranny. LET ME KNOW!
I'm getting tired of tripping over one of those in my garage!

>I mean, I would like to save this little, lost, abused, rusted to heck,
>tired, sagging, bone weary car, too. I am writing all this because I get
>the same "Ahhhhh, poor thing..." feeling I get when I see a skinny little
>kitten or dog that somebody has abandoned.  If many of the parts were

Yea. I know what ya mean. I saw a poor little TR-4 on the highway,
belching smoke as it went along. All I could think of was stopping
the driver and confiscating the car because of the abuse.
ALas I have too many LBCs already, I don't have enough
room in my yard to start the first SPCBA (Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to British Automobiles).


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