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RE:Weber DGV and Color Tune

Subject: RE:Weber DGV and Color Tune
From: (Zahid Ahsanullah)
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 94 10:04:04 CDT
Here's my older brothers way of tuning any carb. which
I used with success with on my dgv on a Spitfire 1500.

a) clean the end of the tailpipe thoroughly.
b) put new plugs in.
b) get the car at operating temperature.
c) drive the car for a couple minutes and then cut
   out the engine with the car still in motion and in
   gear, till it comes to a stop.
d) check the color of the exhaust deposit on the tailpipe.
   If black it's too rich. If no change, too lean; golden brown, perfect.
e) check the plugs. If black reduce the jetting; white, increase; brown, 
f) if nothing works, the float needs to be adjusted. If tailpipe black,
   lower float, if plugs white, raise float.
g) with everything set, go on a cruise. Around 40mph, floor it. If it
   does not hesitate it is right, if it does or nothing happens increase
   flow of accelerator pump. If it does not quickly go to 50mph do the same.
h) adjust timing +-5% after things are singing.

Warning: do not lean out too much and let it ride. It comes with a new
         head rebuild.

Best Wishes

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