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Re: 11 year olds

Subject: Re: 11 year olds
From: (Jennifer Joy)
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 94 12:08:51 CDT
> >           Thanks for the advice on 11 year olds, and the abuse being
> >           the sole propriety of the brit car owner, but the problem is
> >           the owner is also his father (by the way, the 11 year old is
> >           still alive, barely).
> If will make you feel any better my son, who was about 7 at the time,
> poured cat litter into the distributor mounting hole of the snake's
> engine.  But how could I punish him?  After all it was MY fault for
> removing the distributor in the first place.

Now, that would have shown some foresight had the car been a jag.

Father: "Aiiiiiiii!"

Son: "well, the jag has spilled stuff all over the floor.  Isn't
      kitty litter for absorbing cat leaks?"

Father: "under the cat, er, car....under the car, not in..."

Son: "here Dad, have a smiley"

(this post is guaranteed to be smiley-free and non-fat)

       Jennifer Joy  sys/net admin   Motorola/RISC HW  Austin,TX 512.891.8561 fax:512.891.3190 pgr:933-7333 #898561

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