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Banjos, Incompetents, and L

To: "British Cars" <>
Subject: Banjos, Incompetents, and L
From: "Rob Reilly" <>
Date: 14 Oct 1994 14:04:00 -0600
                       Subject:                               Time:12:55 PM
  OFFICE MEMO          Banjos, Incompetents, and Leafs        Date:10/14/94
First some foolishness:
Reminds me of a Far Side cartoon:
The devil, leading an orchestra conductor into a room, says "And this is where
you will spend eternity, maestro." The room is full of banjo and accordion

Another cartoon: "Shoe"
The main character bird wails "I'm surrounded by incompetents."
The colleague says "Gee, if a bunch of incompetents have managed to surround
you, how good does that make you look?"

Obligatory LBC content:
Leaf spring comment:
Very definitely, anyone with leaf springs should keep them oiled so the leaves
don't rust together. The midpoints of the leaves are fixed together, but the
ends are intended to slide on each other.
Jaguars of the '30's, 40's and '50's with rear (and in some cases front) leaf
springs had leather gaiters covering them, with grease nipples for lubricating
the leaves. Some others like Packards had bronze bearing discs in between the

Triumph 1800:
If you put that Buick V8 in it, when you hit the loud pedal your rumble seat
passengers would fall out the back.  ;-)

BTW, any ideas how the Brits came to call it a dickey seat?

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