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Surrounded by incompetents

Subject: Surrounded by incompetents
From: Steve Adderson <>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 94 13:08:56 +0100
Does anybody else find that wherever they go they're sourrounded by incompetent
and unhelpful sales staff/mechanics?

I phoned up Minispares a few weeks ago and it was like I was doing them a
favour.  The guy handling my call didn't have a clue about minis and I spent
several minutes on the phone explaining to him what I wanted before I said
I'd go to somewhere where they know what they're doing.

I ordered some paint (almond green) for my Mini from Autopaints about a
month ago. When I got it home it was the wrong colour! We have to pick our
days to spray here in the UK.  I took it back and the guy refused to believe
that he'd given me the wrong colour until he got his colour chart out. He then
took the paint round the back, obviously just put a different colour in then
gave me it back. I took it out to the car, opened it up, and it was worse than
it was before! I went back in and he said "Oh, I thought it was a bit blue
when I gave it to you". Arggghh!!!!  He then spent two hours trying to mix
the right colour but siad he had three different paint mixes to choose from.
He ended up calling a guy up and he came round to try and match the paint.
Took him an hour and when I got it home it was still wrong.

Just been into a reputable ICI paint shop (a Rover shop) and got another litre.
I really should have checked the colour there and then, but no, silly me, I
took it back home and guess what? they've given me a bloody metallic colour.
Just phoned them up - "oh well, we'll have to mix you some more up".

The biggest thing that gets to me is their attitude. It's like they're doing
you a favour by lightening your wallet. There's never any apologies for their
incompetence. Normally when I have to take something back it's like "So it's
not right, what do you want us to do about it?" and then *they* get pissed
off because I've taken it back!

Trying to calm down.

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