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quiz controversy

Subject: quiz controversy
From: (Will Zehring)
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 94 16:12:56 EDT
Fellow fiends:

Okay, we seem to have a problem.  About an hour ago I posted the solution to 
my exciting quiz regarding the misfire in the XJ-6.  Well, consider this 

>I'll guess then.  Coils have oil in them...  I'm guessing the coil is 
>mounted horizontally with its axis along the length of the car.  Some of 
>the oil has leaked out... so the remaining oil sloshes.  When you back 
>up, the oil sloshes forward, uncovering the rear portion of the coil... 
>which heats up.... which then expands and becomes intermittant.
>Is that illogical enough? <g>
>John M. Trindle     

John, I couldn't have put it better, except that it happens when the car 
moves forward.  It appears that we have two winners now.  Winner number one 
(the tennis ball theory), Randy Wilson; and winner number two (the sloshing 
oil theory), John Trindle.  Disturbing, isn't it?

Will "I don't feel so bad, now" Zehring

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