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Re: HELP ME !!

To: "B. Wilson" <>
Subject: Re: HELP ME !!
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 1994 19:08:45 PDT
In message <Pine.3.88.9410102126.A19772-0100000@muss> you write:
>Guess what is different between the early 
>and late '72's ?? The antenna has been moved from the right rear to the 
>left front

Gee, on my '72 TR6 the antenna is in the right front.  Its center is
3-3/8 inches back from the front of the scuttle, and the edge is about 1/8 inch
in from the side and nearly touching the windscreen sealing strip.

Dunno if it helps but you're welcome to it.

  --berry (thinks you don't really NEED an antenna; in Sybil you can't hear
        the radio anyway...)

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