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RE: British Cars Digest #1395 Fri Oct 7 01:15:00 MDT 1994

Subject: RE: British Cars Digest #1395 Fri Oct 7 01:15:00 MDT 1994
From: "ALFIE::MRGATE::\"A1::FELTS1\""
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 1994 8:19:25 -0400 (EDT)
From:   NAME: Tom L. Felts                  
        FUNC: SFTY (38)                       
        TEL: 412-337-2024                     <FELTS1@A1@ALFIE>
To:     NAME: VMSMail User SMTP%"british-car 

To--Mike--Re:  to run or walk away from the XKE!!

First, the price is too high.  I spent 9K 5 years ago for a complete yet 
restorable 66 rdst.  As to weather you are ready for the project--that 
depends on your patience, your wallet and your stress level.  After 5 
years, mine is very near completion, but I will NEVER do it again.  there 
are thousands of parts, each of which can be suspect, and if you suspect 
them--you will no doubt replace them---and---the dollars mount up fast.
My 9K moved to 35K in no time!

The car is beautiful, and I will enjoy it, but forewarned is forearmed!!

Good luck on your decision.


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