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Re: Stereotypes

Subject: Re: Stereotypes
From: (Jeff Griglack)
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 94 06:31:41 EDT
I am 32, about 6' tall and 170 lbs.  Since I have not had a relative
who hasn't made it to his/her late 8ss and my great-grandmother made
it to 101+, I expect to reach mid-life in another 20 years.  I do not
think of myself as "macho."  I am a European mutt and cannot
understand the concept behind "ethnic clensing" or why easten europe
is splitting into _more_, small countries.  I am married (7 years) and
have two boys (5 and 3).  My wife's greatest fear is that I will, like
her father, collect many old cars and watch them rust.  It is for her
sake that I will probably never have more than one LBC at a time.

I bought the '73 MGB-GT (my first LBC) last January for $200, motor
good, but needs extensive body work (who can tell me about buying a
body shell?).  While I am quite good at quite good at dry-wall and
woodworking, since I finished the restoration of a 150 year old house
(then moved to a new one), I will now have to learn to weld :).  If
Chris F's prediction is correct I will have to put another $3800 into
the car.

As far as touching my toes:  I will send you a picture of the act if
you will send me a beer :).  I ride my bicycle the 11.84 miles to work
about 3 times a week (year round in Massachusetts), so I am not in bad
shape (this is the true way to get the wind in your hair).

| Jeff Griglack
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