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Larry's high idle on the GT6+

Subject: Larry's high idle on the GT6+
From: William Hartwell Woodruff <>
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 1994 15:06:04 -0400
        Larry, give this a try. Open the bonnet and start the engine.
Get a needle nose pliers or some such and clamp the hose running from 
the monster PCV valve to the intake manifold.  If your idle drops 
(Like it did on my engine) you have one of two problems:

        1. serious leak into the engine block (like past the oil cap)
        2. a very worn engine with lots and lots of blow by.

        My problem came from trying to modify the emission system
to include a charcol canister vapor recovery system (like on the GT6 mk III).  
I put a tee in the line between the valve cover and the PCV valve and hooked 
it directly to the canister.  As it turns out this system has to have 
restrictor in the canister line or it passes way too much air (hence a mega 

        I also had a leaky oil cap.  I got clued into the whole problem when I 
the oil cap off and I put my hand over the opening.  The idle dropped a couple 
hundred rpm!

william woodruff        Ann Arbor, MI

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