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TR-3 for sale

To: British Cars <>
Subject: TR-3 for sale
From: Ronald LHerault <>
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 1994 16:12:51 -0400 (EDT)
When I drove the TR-6 to Benny's today, one of the store's staff stopped 
me and asked if I knew of anyone who wanted to buy a TR-3.  I have nver 
met him before and have not seen the car.

it is a 1961 TR-3, green and needs a muffler.  He said it had michelen 
tires and that the engine was rebuilt about 11 yrs.ago. If you are 
interested, call Peter O'Hara, (401)765-1686 asking price is $7000 but he 
is willing to negotiate.

Ron L'Herault

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