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Illinois meet?

Subject: Illinois meet?
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 94 16:13:17 CDT
Earlier this summer I saw a flier that said something about
a British Car show at Oakton Community College in Des Plaines, IL,
on September 11 from 10:00 am til 4:00 pm.

Can anybody verify this (the show, not my eyesight and memory!)?

If so, any more details, including directions?

Thanks, Terry Shockey
Intro:  Since this is my first post, I suppose I should introduce
        myself.  I've been lurking here since October last year;
About 5 months ago I bought a '78 MGB;  my first little car, first
convertible.  I guess it would be rated a "daily driver," although
I don't;  only use it for fun, when the weather is appropriate for
a convertible.  Two major won't-start problems turned out to be
a leaking fuel line hose and a starter that was jammed because one
bolt came out and the other one was loose.

Relatively minor problems were sticking choke and racing engine (red-line!).
Both seem to have gone away since I've been driving more and used a
gumout-type product--my associate whom I use as my consultant thinks
that carb and choke were gummed up because PO hadn't really used the car
for several months during the winter.

Got the lights working (bad connection at fuse box), installed a new
horn (original horn on left side didn't work;  replacement horn on right
side stuck on the second time I drove it--then stopped working), and
started to sew up the holes in the top (whoops, I mean hood).  Now I
need to get the cassette radio (Sony) working more than 10% of the time
(my guess is an earth problem, or maybe basic incompatibility between
a British car and Japanese radio  :-) ) and maybe look into the non-working
windshield washer.

Some people think I'm crazy for getting this car, but I figure that just
because I never had a toy like this in my first three childhoods shouldn't
stop me now!  My mother says it reminds her of the little red (pedal-power)
jeep I had around 45 years ago!  I live in Aurora, IL, about 40 miles
west of Chicago.

Terry   '78 MGB, '88 Chevy Cavalier, '92 Pontiac Bonneville

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