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MG class at Pebble Beach

Subject: MG class at Pebble Beach
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 94 22:03:35 EDT
For the record:  There was a Pre-War MG class at Pebble this year.
The show was yesterday under beautiful blue sky, cool fog laden air and
included some of the neatest, wildest and most beautiful cars in the world.
 There were some wild looking race horses there too... to coin a sexist
remark...something about expensive cars and beautiful women!!

Any way it was neat to see the MG's there along with the exotica.  In fact
some of the MG's were exotic:

Pete Thelander had his 1934 NE Tourist Trophy Magnett race car painted red in
honor of Nuvorali who was supposed to drive the Tourist Trophy race in
Ireland that year but  ended up not driving the  race because of a sponser

Jack Berry from L.A. had his PB Airline Coupe
Jim Bigler now from Sonora, Ca. had a TA Tickford
Barry Briskman, Scottsdale had his magnificent SA Charlesworth tourer
Win Estes , a local in Pebble had his J2 on display, he won once before
Richard Keating , Marina Del Rey had a PA Brooklands Racer
Gene Roth from Ridgecrest Ca. had a TA Tickford
Gene Wescott, Fairbanks Ak had a VA Tickford, yes there are MG's in Alaska
but I think Gene will keep this one in L.A. The 9 year restoration was
finished just hours before the show started.

A fine group and the winners were:
1st went to Barry Briskman for the SA Charlesworth
2nd went to Gene Roth for his TA
3rd went to Gene Westcott for his VA

Interesting is the fact that Barry Briskman is a professional restorer (and
he is going to rebuild my TA thanks to State Farm) and Gene Westcott had a
professional do his car but Gene Roth is an amateur like most of us on this
list. So it is possible for you to restore a car and place in a very
prestigious event like Pebble Beach.
T A (the sternum is healing up nicely)  Terry

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