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Re: MG archieves [sic]

Subject: Re: MG archieves [sic]
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 16:05:53 PDT
In message <> you write:
>I have gotten into "" via the "anonymous" FTP, but
>located in there are 4 sub-directories, and I can only access 2 of
>them.  "Bin" and "pub" I have no problem, but what is the trick for
>"lost and found" and "mjb"????  TIA

For RLANCASTER and others who don't know how to decode UNIX "ls -l" listings 
(which is what you get from typing DIR to an FTP, when the other end is a UNIX 
box) here's how to decode the info:

lost+found is not interesting; it's a directory where fsck (the file system 
repairing program) will link files it finds that do no thave directory entries.
There will normally be nothing there.

mjb appears to be a private directory for Mark.  It's mode is 700 as you can 
when you DIR the top level;

  drwx------   3 124      3           1024 Aug 27 21:52 mjb

The first string means its a directory(d), and it's owner can read (r) write 
(w) and search(x) it.  (x is usually "execute", but that doesn't make sense on 

The next three dashes (---) mean no one in the group 124 can do anything, and 
the last three dashes mean no one at ALL can do anything, other than mjb 

The next numbers are the UID of the owner (3), the Group ID of the file (124), 
the size (1024 bytes), the last modified time (Aug 27 21:52) and the name of 
the file.

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