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RE: Oil changes

Subject: RE: Oil changes
From: "Dan Parslow, x2556" <DJP@ALPHA.SUNQUEST.COM>
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 8:49:31 -0700 (MST)
<Steve Oertwig,> writes:

> Sports 6 (Vitesse) owners have it much easier for oil changes.  Just raise 
> the bonnet, sit on the tire, open the flap that covers the filter and remove
> filter.  At least that is the way my Sports 6 is.  I doubt a PO did this 
> little trap door routine since the installation is very good, but it sure is 
> handy for oil changes.  Any other Sports 6 owners who can verify this oil 
> canister door?

You're kidding, right?  What you describe is convenient, sensible, and
very well thought out.  And you honestly think that Standard-Triumph 
did it?????  :)

No, there's no such thing on a stock Vitesse.  You have that rarity,
a sensible P.O. mangle.   Of course, if originality is your thing, it's
time to break out the welding gear....

Dan Parslow
'65 Vitesse, '79 Spit

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