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That's not a leak, that's my british car!

Subject: That's not a leak, that's my british car!
From: (Scott W. Paisley 303-497-7691)
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 94 08:29:19 MDT
Welcome to the world of TR6 oil spillage Ken...  After I did my engine
rebuild, I put the engine w/ trans into the car with out the filter.
Put everything together only to find that I couldn't put the #*$&@ oil
filter cannister on the block, and had to drop the slave cylinder as
you figured out.  I happened to stumble onto a spin-on oil filter
adaptor on a junker, and (as already has been said), I've never looked

I promised to post about my starter adventures, and well, they are
still going on.  Lawrence and I managed to put the new flywheel with
ringgear in the car, trans, tunnel, starter, and hit the switch.
click click click click click, varoom!  It ran like new!  (well not
that bad... ;-) So after hooking all the goodies up, (overdrive and
backup lights) I hit the switch again.  NOthing.  zip, nada, zero,
lacko-sparko..... DRAT!  Checked the wiring, fuses, etc, everything
checked out.  12V was getting to the starter, I guess the clicking I
heard was the starter hitting an internal wire which it promptly
yanked out inside the starter.  #($&@&#^ (I suspect this as I'm the
one who rebuilt the starter) So we push started the TR and it ran
wheee wheee wheee all the way home.  I'll be debugging this sucker
(the starter) this weekend, I'll be sure to let ya'll know what
grimlins I pull out of this thing, or what they do to me in the

Scotty "What's in this coffee anyway?" Paisley

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  • That's not a leak, that's my british car!, Scott W. Paisley 303-497-7691 <=