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Re: Long Term Storage - Up or Down?

To: Bob Lang <>
Subject: Re: Long Term Storage - Up or Down?
From: Ken Streeter <>
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 1994 16:14:29 -0400
 You write:

> There were a couple of things worth mentioning. First, storing cars on older
> tires that are inflated to high pressure does not make any differnce with
> respect to flat spotting. IF the tires are newer (say manufactured after 1989
> or so) the construction of the tire should eliminate any of the flat spot
> problems that older tires can have...

Is this for tires manufactured after '89 or so, or for tires designed after '89
or so?  In specific, my question is regarding Michelin Redlines.  Is a Michelin
Redline manufactured in 1993 any different than one manufactured in 1974?  I
presume that even though the tire is produced with the same old size and
appearance, that the compounds used have changed at least somewhat.  Is the
tread pattern still the same?  Has the internal composition of the belts
changed?  (I have no idea, I'm just asking...)


Kenneth B. Streeter        | ARPA:
Lockheed Sanders           | UUCP: ...!uunet!!streeter
PTP2-A001                  |
65 River Road              | Voice: (603) 885-9604
Hudson, NH 03051           | Fax:   (603) 885-0631

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