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Gasket Cements

Subject: Gasket Cements
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 94 23:16:15 EDT
Roland, the Yamaha stuff is called Yamabond #4. Available at your local
motorcycle dealer.  I like it better than the silicone based materials, It
does not harden and did a fine job of sealing the spriget pumpkin into my TA
housing.  The fellow who recommended it to me said that it was the only stuff
that would leak proof a Triumph motocylce!
Terry sans TA

P.S.  Roger and Tilly Garnett and I spent most of friday together touring the
Behring Auto museum (got to be one of the finest auto museums on earth).  We
discovered that they have a research library composed of the collection of
one W.E. Miller who collected automobilia for some 50/60 years. Fab! You can
peruse and they will copy to a limited extent. We discovered a wealth of Pre
War MG an original sales bulletin for my SA and a little book
that Cecil Kimber wrote call "Luck of the Game" cica 1932.  I'll bet there is
even some A.C. Cobra material!

After lunch Roger and Tilly came by my house to view the Mayflower and the
Arnolt under restoration....a fine day with some fine SOL'ers.
Nice to put faces on the words.

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