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Re: Spitting MGB

To: Andy McLean <>
Subject: Re: Spitting MGB
From: Greg Meboe <>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 12:09:51 -31702 (PDT)
On Thu, 18 Aug 1994, Andy McLean wrote:

> Having finally got my '78 MGB idleing and running reasonably well it still
> exhibits an annoying habit.  It starts well but backfires quite violently
> when changing up through gears until the engine gets up to normal operating
> temperature.  I know that the valve clearances/mixture/timing are all 

        I'm assuming that your car backfires out the exhaust when you let 
your foot off of the gas while upshifting.  If this is the case, it could 
be explained by at least two things.  Seeing as you have already checked 
that the mixture is correct, did you check the automatic choke to make 
sure that it's not TOO rich when the engine is cold?  Also, it certainly 
sounds like your gulp valve is contributing.  Is your air pump hooked up?
        I hope this helps.
                        Greg Meboe

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