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Re: Coolant article available

To: Gregory T Fieldson <>
Subject: Re: Coolant article available
From: Greg Meboe <>
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 15:19:33 -31702 (PDT)

On Fri, 12 Aug 1994, Gregory T Fieldson wrote:

> SOL'ers,
> I have placed a copy of a brief (20kb) article about coolants and corrosion 
> on the SOL archiver, as "pub/sol/coolant.txt". I was prompted to research 
> and write this after a discussion on coolants in the TR8 mailing list.
        Gregory, I really enjoyed the article.  Thank you for posting 
it.  One question I have, I was considering lightly sandblasting the core 
of my rad to get off the layers of black paint.  This because I assume 
whatever thermoplastic is in the paint is a poorer conductor of heat than 
the metal it covers.  I see race cars with bare metal raiators, and I 
assume that they're doing this for cooling efficiency.  Please reply.
      Thanks again for posting the article.

                                Greg Meboe

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