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cam lifters TR-6

Subject: cam lifters TR-6
From: "Kevin A. Strait" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 94 12:01:57 -0500
Fellow SOLers
I am hoping that some of the mavins on this list can help me with a problem 
concerning my 70 TR-6.  The question I have concerns the aftermarket cam lifters
available for the TR-6 engine.  I have heard rumors that some of these lifters 
are not hardened and are thus prone to destroying themselves and the cam.  
The reason I am worried is that I have modified my engine extensively to 
increase the performance, by shaving the head to give 10:1 compression and also 
porting and polishing the intate and exhaust ports.  In addition I also shaved 
the intake valve stems to remove the excess metal, balanced the crank shaft, 
etc,etc.  The real problem, which directly relates to the cam lifters, is that I
also had the stock cam reground to a hotter profile (more lift, longer 
durations) and installed double spring, valve springs which have 105 lb of 
pressure instead of the stock 40 lb to reduce valve lash at high RPMs.  
This engine is sitting ready to go in a car which has just undergone a 2 year 
nut and bolt frame off restoration. I now wonder whether it is a time bomb 
waitng to self destruct.  
What should I do?  Doe I tear the head off this engine and have the lifters 
tested?  If so how can the lifters be tested for hardness without destroying 
them?  How hard should they be?  I can get no information from the supplier on 
this question.  
Do I trash the lifters and by a different set?  If so how do I make sure that 
the new set is properly hardened?   One possibility that was suggested to me is 
to remove the inner of the two valve springs before starting the engine for the 
first time and then run the engine for 20 minutes at approx 2000RPM and then 
replace the spring.  While this may help reduce the chances of a lifter failure 
I am not sure this will do anything to aleviate the problem for the long run.  

Any information or experience with this problem will be much appreciated.

p.s.  Am I just paranoid or am I suffering from some variation of the numerous 
diseases which befall british car owners.        

Kevin A. Strait, Ph.D.                      
Assistant Professor of Medicine             email:
and Cell Biology/Neuroanatomy               
University of Minnesota

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