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RE:SU float level adjusting,RE:Wanted - dash,RE:fuses,RE:WG Vintage Race

Subject: RE:SU float level adjusting,RE:Wanted - dash,RE:fuses,RE:WG Vintage Races
From: "Alan Legerlotz 508.486.5744" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 94 10:16:30 EDT

Subject: RE: SU float level adjusting
>>The last time I ordered a carburetor float (SU HS6) from Moss
>>they sent me a new style where the hinge pin passes 
>>throught the molded plastic body of the float.  Does anyone
>>known how you set the float level with this type?  With no 
>>adjustment, the level is much too low.

The only method that I know of for adjusting the float level on these is washers
under the jet, which will shim it down.  They don't need to be very thick to
change the level a lot.  I called the "Gross Jet" people and they sent them to 
for free.  If you buy new jets you'll get some with them.


>>Subject: RE:wanted - dash
>>Dash for a Midget :
>>I am looking for a dash for a Midget. Specifically the non-padded dash that
>>was fitted to Midgets prior to 1973 ??.

If you want the non padded dash, its prior to 1968 (in the U.S.).  All dash
boards after 1967 were pretty much the same, if no identical.

I have a 1970 padded dash with instruments, but that doesn't sounds like what
you need.

BTW:  If you go with the older dash in your post 1968 car, I believe that you'll
probably need to get a pre 1968 steering column.


RE: fuses for a 72 midget

>>Do I use 17 amp fuses in the fuse box for all 4 fuses?? If so, where can I get
>>17 amp fuses...I can only find 15 and 20. 

Personally I would use the 15 Amp fuses.


Subject: RE: Watkins Glen Vintage Races

I'm planning on going to this, so is Paul Tonizzo.  Perhaps we should have some
sort of means of identification of other SOLers.

- Al Legerlotz

1974 Midget
1957 MGA Roadster

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  • RE:SU float level adjusting,RE:Wanted - dash,RE:fuses,RE:WG Vintage Races, Alan Legerlotz 508.486.5744 <=