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Stereotype? who me?

Subject: Stereotype? who me?
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 94 13:18:24 -0700
 > On Thu, 22 Sep 1994, Templer Andrew wrote:
>I guess I jumped to the stereotype of all Britcar 
>  nuts as middle-aged, macho, males of mild-anglo persuasion.
>  Anyone else care to dispel this stereotype with a thumbnail sketch of 
>  yourself?

TeriAnn Jennifer Wakeman


instead of copping to middle age, lets just say ex-hippie

pedigree - English, Scott, French, Welsh, Santee (in that order, 
Welch & Santee believed to be in equal parts)

never married

political affiliation - green party

Family - Great Pyrenese named Bear, 2 cats and an aquarium full of fish

Hobbies- Driving English cars and photography

favorite music- old fashoned rock & roll (late sixties early 70s)

favorite drink - English breakfast tea with milk & sugar

Occupation - Evangelist (Macintosh developer support)

goal: to become seriously bent enough to be called eccentric

favorite vacation: a long Land Rover camping trip to the four corners area to 
take pictures, stopping at Yosomite, mono lake and other spots along the way.

favorite books - Science fiction/ Fantasy novels written by women with a strong 
female protagonist.

Pet Pieves - TV (I don't have one connected to cable or antenna), Womens 
clothing stores that only carry sizes for short skinny people, people who want 
to force their morals/philosopy on others.

Worst nightmare:  All three cars broken at once, out of money, someone offering 
a low price on a Big Healey, a major sale at a talls clothing shop, all at a 
time when I planned an extensive photography trip.

favorite fantasy - I'm not telling ;*)

TeriAnn Wakeman        Large format photographers look at the world     upside down and backwards     
LINK: TWAKEMAN              
408-974-2344                         TR3A - TS75519L, 
                       MGBGT - GHD4U149572G, Land Rover 109 - 164000561

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