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Re: Stereotypes

To: Templer Andrew <>
Subject: Re: Stereotypes
From: Greg Meboe <>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 1994 10:52:23 -31702 (PDT)
> It was brought to my attention that I had wrongly assumed she was a male. 
> Sorry about that Jody.  I guess I jumped to the stereotype of all Britcar 
> nuts as middle-aged, macho, males of mild-anglo persuasion.
> Anyone else care to dispel this stereotype with a thumbnail sketch of 
> yourself?

 I'd be glad to dispel the stereotype. Not all Britcar types are middle-aged,
macho males of mild-anglo persuasion.  Why myself, I'm a macho male of 
mild-anglo persuasion whose only in the mid twenties.  How's that for diversity!

        Greg Meboe

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