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Re: Worst boge I ever saw.

To: Berry Kercheval <>,
Subject: Re: Worst boge I ever saw.
From: (John Lupien)
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 94 14:17:09 EDT
> >I wondered myself.  I think it must be that he shouldn't have wasted money
> >on the aluminum foil; the epoxy alone should have been sufficient.
> Maybe it's just me, but I'll be DAMNED before I'll trust my LIFE to a brake 
> line with a hole in it (other than the ones at the ends that are supposed to 
> be there) no matter HOW it's fixed.
> Sorry, but I feel strongly about this.
>   --berry

Tee hee, looks like berry took the bait!

John R. Lupien

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