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Enquiries from an ex-SOLer

Subject: Enquiries from an ex-SOLer
From: "Andrew C. Green" <>
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 1994 9:58:59 -0500 (CDT)
Greetings all, Andy Green here. Unfortunately my schedule and disk quota
prevents me from resubscribing, hence I must ask you to send me replies,
if any, via Email to my address below. Have a couple of items for the 
group today:

1) I expect that the annual British Cars Day at Oakton Community College
   northwest of Chicago is still on for this year. Does anyone know the
   exact date? Hopefully I haven't missed it.

2) An old neighbor of ours in Wilmette, IL (north of Chicago) is still
   looking to sell his 1968 Jaguar S Type 3.8L. It's roadworthy and in
   reasonably good condition; good stuff includes wire wheels with knock-
   offs, recent leather interior by Bartlett's of Muncie, and a contemp-
   orary (1968 dealer-installed) air conditioning system, which in best 
   British tradition is not working at the moment. I can send additional 
   details if there's interest. He'd like details on how he can enter it 
   for display at the Oakton show above, please. If you can help (or if 
   you're interested in buying it) please call him directly: Steve (or 
   Carol) Hurst at (708) 251-1819.

Andrew C. Green           (312) 266-4431
Datalogics, Inc.          Internet:
441 W. Huron              
Chicago, IL  60610-3498   FAX: (312) 266-4473

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