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Re: Bodge, bodge, bodge

To: vernk@carver.DataFlux.BC.CA (Vern Klukas),
Subject: Re: Bodge, bodge, bodge
From: "Roger Garnett" <>
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 1994 13:57:48 EST
> From:          vernk@carver.DataFlux.BC.CA (Vern Klukas)

> here're a couple of mine.

> Number Two
> My Renault R-8 had been giving the rod
> bearing rattle of death, so I dropped the pan and did a quick R & R of the
> bearings. Problem is, no pan gasket, can't get one and we have to go.

> The solution: We go to the college chem lab and liberate some tygon tubing,
> glass tubes, rubber stoppers and a tubing pinch cock and build a IV for the
> car.

Wow. You were right there, and missed some much better solutions. 
        -Most chem labs have RTV (silicone) sealant of some sort. This might
         have made a permanent gasket all by it self, altho it doesn't last 
         as oil well as the stuff made for cars.
        -If no sealant, you might also have run a bead of tubing around the pan,
         and bolted it up as a gasket.

> Number Three

> Same Renault. It had an aftermarket steering wheel, on which the splines
> were very worn allowing the wheel to be moved without affecting the
> direction of travel.
> The solution: Leave the nut off, and jam the wheel on over a couple of
> layers of notepaper. While driving, be carefull to always push and _never_
> pull on the wheel.

What happened to those beer cans? Just cut out a narrow strip of aluminium or 
2, lay it inside the wheel splines, and jam it on the shaft. Tap it over, and 
put the nut back on, and you're in business!.

Roger -I made an electronic ignition interrupter vane out of an AT&T 
calling card for a Sunbeam Imp- Garnett

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